Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2019

What Is Health And Wellness? | Wellness Health And Wellness


What is health and wellness? | Wellness

Hohoho, selamat siang, pada kali ini akan membahas tentang health and wellness What is health and wellness? | Wellness simak selengkapnya 

Jay Morgan, NASM Elite Trainer

The World Health Organization defines health as "not only the leave of disease or infirmity, but a nation of complete physical, mental, and communal well-being".  Wellness has been defined more as the action an individual takes to meet the above interpretation of health. 

Wellness incorporates the power of choice, meaning an individual has the ability to grip action in the direction of optimal health. The individual creates the real environment for a healthier lifestyle. There is an understanding that there is no quick fix for optimal health, that the way of health is an infinite journey. To reach an optimal nation of health and wellness, the individual appreciates that the body is a three-dimensional being. Body, mind, and spirit are woven together as one. Any action, thought, sentiment that single has, will create a rippling consequence on not sole their body, but in those that surround.

Bonnie Lynn Wright, PhD

The interpretation of health goes way beyond 'the leave of disease'.  Even the World Health Organization uses a broader definition. 

It is too managing a constant disease successfully to minimize complications and recurrences.  Healthy people are able to utilize whatever resources are available to them to live their lives on their personal terms.  A paraplegic who goes to be employed each day, supports their family and enjoys being alive is healthy. 

A brilliant don of mine defines health as functional competence.  Over time, that interpretation has held up under scrutiny.   

Lyn Turton

Health refers to the leave of illness. Wellness refers to not just fleshly health but emotional, spiritual, communal issues also.

Improving your 'health and wellness' generally refers to promoting good health and reducing risk of disease with a holistic move towards which takes into description many factors including fleshly and emotional issues.

Kenneth Johnson, NASM Elite Trainer

Health is the leave of illness, injury or disease.

Wellness is much more than the leave of illness; it is health-promoting behaviors to achieve your stocked potential.  In other words, wellness is the pursuit of your finest possible health and well-being.  It is a aware of choice, self directed and self motivating.

There are different “models” of the parts making up wellness and well-being.  For example, the National Wellness Institute’s model includes ten dimensions:

• Emotional

• Intellectual

• Nutrition

• Occupational

• Physical

• Safety

• Self-Care

• Sexuality

• Social

• Spiritual

The other point of wellness is that it focuses on preventative health care; keeping you healthy, as opposed to a traditional health be concerned thought that looks sole at getting you back to a nation where there is no sickness or injury. 

Continue Learning about Wellness

Important: This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or different points of view. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs.

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